pp108 : Process Platform Case Plug-in

Process Platform Case Plug-in

The cordys.case plug-in is used to interact with the Process Platform Case engine. It can be used to perform a few tasks such as starting a case, workflow tasks, and handling a specific case instance. This plug-in uses the cordys.ajax plug-in to invoke the Web services.


The following methods are supported by the cordys.case plug-in:

Table 1. List of Methods



createCase(caseModel, caseVariables, caseData, options)

Creates a Case instance

getActivityDefinition(caseInstance,activityid, options)

Retrieves the complete definition of the activity

getActivityInstance(caseInstance, activityinstanceid, options)

Provides the details of an instance of an activity

getActivityInstances(caseInstance, options) Provides the details of the activity instances, which are triggered by the Case instance


Provides all the business events, which are allowed to be raised from an activity

getCaseData(caseInstance, options)

Retrieves the data associated with a specified Case instance

getCaseInstance(caseInstance, options)

Retrieves the details of a Case instance

getCaseVariables(caseInstance, options)

Retrieves the details of the Case variable associated with the Case model

getFollowupActivities(caseInstance,activityid, options)

Returns all the follow-up activities of an activity instance

planActivities(caseInstance, activities,options)

Plans a set of activities for a Case instance

planIntermediateActivities(caseInstance, activityinstanceid, activityId, activities, options)

Plans the Intermediate follow-up type of activities for a Case instance

sendEvent(caseInstance, eventName, activityid, options)

Sends a business event to a Case instance

updateCaseData(caseInstance, caseData, options)

Updates the data of a Case instance

updateCaseVariables(caseInstance, caseVariables,lockid, options)

Updates the Case variables associated with a Case instance


  • All the caseInstance parameters can either be a complete CaseInstance object or a string containing the identifier of the instance.
  • All the option parameters are a collection of properties that are sent to the cordys.ajax call. You can provide the instance-specific parameters or a method to be invoked on completion. For more information, refer to Process Platform Ajax Plug-in.
  • For more information on the Case APIs, refer to Case Management SOAP APIs.
Return types

All the methods in the case plug-in return a jQuery XHR object, which is the same as the object returned by the cordys.ajax plug-in.


The cordys.authentication plug-in handles the authentication for connecting to the Process Platform server. For more information, refer to Authenticating Users with HTML5 SDK.


The following are the sample code snippets:

Create Case
$.cordys.case.createCase("ClaimCase", null, { data: { "@xmlns:ns": "http://myinsurance/claim/1.0", "@name": "ClaimDetails", "ns:ClaimDetails": { "ns:ClaimAmount": $("#claimAmount").val(), "ns:CustomerID": $("#customerID").val(), "ns:PolicyID": $("#policyID").val(), "ns:PolicyType": $("#policyType").val() } } }); 
Get Case Data
$.cordys.case.getCaseData(caseInstance).done(function(data) { // do something with the data of the caseInstance }); 
Get Activity Definition
 $.cordys.case.getActivityDefinition(caseInstance,"activityid").done(function(activities) { // do something with the activity definitions });
Get Activities Definition
 $.cordys.case.getActivityDefinition(caseInstance,{"activityid_1","activityid_2"}).done(function(activities) { // do something with the activity definitions });
Get Activity Instance
 $.cordys.case.getActivityInstance(caseInstance,activityInstanceId).done(function(activityInstance) { // do something with the activity instance data });
Get Follow-up Activitites
 $.cordys.case.getFollowupActivities(caseInstance,activityid).done(function(followups) { // do something with the follow up activities });
Plan Activites
var activities = [{ "@id": "activity1_ID", "@name": "Duplicate Check", "@state":"Registration", "@allowmultiplan": "true"}, {"@id": "activity2_ID","@name": "Assign Investigator","@state": "Registration","@allowmultiplan": "true"}]; $.cordys['case'].planActivities(caseInstance,activities).done(function (states) { // do something with the existing active states of the Case model }